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Drobeta Turnu Severin – Mehedinti, Romania

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The modern town of Drobeta Turnu Severin has a relatively new history. It made its appearance on the map of Romania and on that of the world following General Pavel Kiseleff’s decree on the 22nd of April, 1833.
The town got its name from the majestic remains of the Severin Fortress which used to look down the Danube and surrounding region at some ancient times. It was erected following a pre-established plan, with wide streets falling perpendicularly onto the Danube or running parallel to it.
Drobeta Turnu Severin has warm summers and mild winters, meaning the city is home to magnolia trees, Caucasian nut trees, and gingko biloba as well as the almond trees, figs, lilacs, lindens, and chestnut trees more common throughout Europe.
The museum of the Iron Gates Hydropower Station together with the Turbine Hall, the Vodita Monastery, as well as the St. Ann Monastery of Orsova can be easily reached from Turnu Severin. It is from this region that the wonderful area of Cazane becomes accessible both by water and by land.
,,Turnu Severin shows itself in the sunset as in the middle of a decor. Widened, the Danube cuts a curve in the Romanian bank and pushes the town up on a top coverd with trees, the thicket of which discloses overlapped houses enveloped in red hallow dies… A western town with beautiful buildings, great schools, wide and straight streets…”


Drobeta Turnu Severin
Dacians & Romans
Trajan’s Stone Bridge
Middle Ages
The Modern City
Energy and Water
Public Health
Parks & Public Gardens
The Days of Drobeta Turnu Severin

MultiMedia Publishing
– Digital: EPUB (ISBN 978-606-033-556-6), Kindle (ISBN 978-606-033-555-9), PDF (ISBN 978-606-033-554-2)

Informații suplimentare


Nicolae Sfetcu


PDF, EPUB, MOBI pentru Kindle

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