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Anthology of the Best French Short Stories

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French Classical Authors
Translator and editor: Nicolae Sfetcu

Developed from oral storytelling tradition from the Middle Ages, short story was developed and diversified so that it is now difficult to characterize it. It cannot be included into a specific genre and substantially differ by country and historical period. Short story uses specific techniques to emphasize a singular effect or mood.

There are many funny definitions for short stories: „strong essences in small bottles”, „to say much in a few words”, „a way of synthesized thinking”, „a quick way, appropriate to this century, to convey ideas”, „intelligence on small spaces”, etc. It is a very suitable genre for the youth of today, with concise and powerful message. An escape from the real world in a totally different universe for some, an opportunity to relax or a means of procrastination for others. Short stories readers have more powerful, concentrated and intense ideas and emotions. A deep and relaxing art, very appropriate for our time.

I brought together in this anthology some of the most beautiful short stories of the classical French literature. The first edition will be continued over many years to come, with other stories at least as beautiful, written by the most famous French authors.



Plato’s Dream, by Voltaire (1694-1778)
The Ghosts, by Marcel Schwob (1867 – 1905)
The conquering of the redoubt, by Prosper Mérimée (1803 – 1870)
The shepherd who never lied, by Alfred de Musset (1810 – 1857)
The Baptiste panties, by Aristide Filiatreault (1851 – 1913)
The herbal tea, by Léon Bloy (1846 – 1917)
Father Nicholas, by Octave Mirbeau (1848 – 1917)
The goat of Mr. Seguin, by Alphonse Daudet (1840 – 1897)
The most funny story, by Jacques Normand (1848 – 1931)
The last lesson – The story of a little Alsatian, by Alphonse Daudet (1840 – 1897)
About the translator
– Nicolae Sfetcu
– – By the same author
– – Contact
Publishing House
– MultiMedia Publishing

MultiMedia Publishing
– Digital: EPUB (ISBN 978-606-9041-27-7), Kindle (ISBN 978-606-9041-29-1), PDF (ISBN 978-606-9041-28-4)

Informații suplimentare


Nicolae Sfetcu


Nicolae Sfetcu


PDF, EPUB, MOBI pentru Kindle

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