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About Cats
About Cats
About Cats

A guide for the cat lovers about the cat behavior, cat attractants, cat breeds, cat health and food, type of cats, cats as pets, fictional cats, films about cats, historical cats. A book full with pictures of the most important … Citeşte mai mult

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About Dogs
About Dogs
About Dogs

Dog anatomy, breeding, breeds, equipment, health, law, monuments, organizations, related professions and professionals, shows and showing, sports, training and behavior, types, working dogs. Dogs in popular culture, famous dogs, fictional dogs, films. The dog is a canine mammal of the … Citeşte mai mult

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Reptiles - Crocodiles, Alligators, Lizards, Snakes, Turtles
Reptiles - Crocodiles, Alligators, Lizards, Snakes, Turtles
Reptiles – Crocodiles, Alligators, Lizards, Snakes, Turtles

Today there are 6,800 reptile species on earth; the major groups are alligators and crocodiles, turtles, lizards, and snakes. Reptiles are tetrapods and amniotes, animals whose embryos are surrounded by an amniotic membrane. Today they are represented by four surviving … Citeşte mai mult

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The Adventures of a Red Ant
The Adventures of a Red Ant
The Adventures of a Red Ant

by Henri de la Blanchère, translated by Nicolae Sfetcu „The Reddish Polyergus, the most powerful ants of France by their courage in the fighting, form a people composed of four orders of citizens: males, females, neutrals or warriors … and … Citeşte mai mult

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The Birds World
The Birds World
The Birds World

Birds are among the most extensively studied of all animal groups. Hundreds of academic journals and thousands of scientists are devoted to bird research, while amateur enthusiasts (called birdwatchers or, more commonly, birders) probably number in the millions. Birds are … Citeşte mai mult

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