A New Life
A simple and real story. About love, dreams, achievements and disappointments. MultiMedia Publishing – Digital: EPUB (ISBN 978-606-9041-00-0), Kindle (ISBN 978-606-9041-02-4), PDF (ISBN 978-606-9041-01-7)
ABC Petits Contes (Scurte povestiri)
Livre bilingue français/roumain pour enfants (Carte bilingvă franceză/română pentru copii) Jules Lemaître a beaucoup aimé les enfants. Il eut lui-même, lorsqu’il fut professeur à Grenoble, une petite fille, Madeleine, qui mourut au bout d’un mois et dont il ne se … Citeşte mai mult
ABC Scurte povestiri – Carte pentru copii
Jules Lemaitre iubea foarte mult copiii. El însuși avea, cât timp a fost profesor la Grenoble, o fiică, Madeleine, care a murit după o lună și el nu s-a consolat niciodată. Mai târziu a devenit un naș delicios pentru mulți … Citeşte mai mult
About Cats
A guide for the cat lovers about the cat behavior, cat attractants, cat breeds, cat health and food, type of cats, cats as pets, fictional cats, films about cats, historical cats. A book full with pictures of the most important … Citeşte mai mult
Epistemology of Intelligence Agencies
About the analogy between the epistemological and methodological aspects of the activity of intelligence agencies and some scientific disciplines, advocating for a more scientific approach to the process of collecting and analyzing information within the intelligence cycle. I assert that … Citeşte mai mult
Ghid Marketing pe Internet
Unul din cele mai vechi ghiduri pentru marketing pe Internet în limba română, dar şi unul din cele mai concise şi mai practice ghiduri. Deşi au trecut mulţi ani de la scrierea acestuia, principiile de bază descrise aici rămân încă … Citeşte mai mult
Ghidul Google SEO
Ghidul de iniţiere Google privind optimizarea pentru motoarele de căutare, Versiunea 1.1, 13 noiembrie 2008 Acest document a fost lansat iniţial ca un efort pentru a ajuta echipele Google, însă este la fel de util şi pentru webmasterii începători în … Citeşte mai mult
Internet Marketing, SEO & Advertising
A guide for online marketers, advertisers and publishers, to increase the digital marketing and optimize their costs and benefits. Internet marketing, also known as digital marketing, web marketing, online marketing, search marketing or e-marketing, is the marketing (generally promotion) of … Citeşte mai mult
Isaac Newton on the action at a distance in gravity: With or without God?
The interpretation of Isaac Newton’s texts has sparked controversy to this day. One of the most heated debates relates to the action between two bodies distant from each other (the gravitational attraction), and to what extent Newton involved God in … Citeşte mai mult
Poetry Kaleidoscope
Introduction in poetry: nature of poetry, tools, history, terms (periods, styles and movements, technical means, tropes, measures of verse, verse forms, national poetry… Poetry is traditionally a written art form (although there is also an ancient and modern poetry which … Citeşte mai mult
Poker World
Introduction in poker: online poker, rules, hands, strategy, cheating, casino, tournaments, poker jargon, equipment, gambling, resources. Poker is a microcosm of all we admire and disdain about capitalism and democracy. It can be rough-hewn or polished, warm or cold, charitable … Citeşte mai mult
Procesul poate fi considerat drept un studiu despre puterea politică, o parabolă religioasă pesimistă, sau un roman polițist. Este povestea de coșmar a unui funcționar de bancă respectabil care este brusc și inexplicabil arestat și trebuie să se apere singur … Citeşte mai mult
Texas Hold Em Poker Game Guide for Tournaments
Texas Hold ‘em (also known as hold ‘em or holdem) is a variation of the standard card game of poker. The game consists of two cards being dealt face down to each player and then five community cards being placed … Citeşte mai mult
The Car Show
The e-book details the most interesting and important characteristics of the automobiles, car maintenance, styling features, car body style, the standard classification of the cars, an history of the automobiles, introduction in the automotive industry, and the traffic code, rules … Citeşte mai mult
The Game of Chess
A comprehensive guide of chess: history, famous games and players, rules, strategy, tactics, chess and the computer, documentation and literature, variants. Chess (the “Game of Kings”) is a board game for two players, which requires 32 chesspieces (or chessmen) and … Citeşte mai mult