How to SELL (eCommerce) - Marketing and Internet Marketing Strategies
How to SELL (eCommerce) - Marketing and Internet Marketing Strategies
How to SELL (eCommerce) – Marketing and Internet Marketing Strategies

Marketing is considered as the first creative link that will lead to sales. In an environment increasingly changing, the marketing strategy is mobilized to retain a focused and solvent clients by providing economies of scale necessary for the success of … Citeşte mai mult

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Information and Communications Technology in Romania - Comparative Analysis with the EU, Social Impact, Challenges and Opportunities, Future Directions
Information and Communications Technology in Romania – Comparative Analysis with the EU, Social Impact, Challenges and Opportunities, Future Directions

Perfect for policymakers, researchers, and ICT enthusiasts ready to explore Romania’s potential in the European digital sphere.

Nu a fost votat $ 3.11 Selectează opțiunile Acest produs are mai multe variații. Opțiunile pot fi alese în pagina produsului.
Technologies de l'information et de la communication en Roumanie - Analyse comparative avec l'UE, impact social, défis et opportunités, orientations futures
Technologies de l’information et de la communication en Roumanie – Analyse comparative avec l’UE, impact social, défis et opportunités, orientations futures

Idéal pour les décideurs politiques, les chercheurs et les passionnés des TIC désireux d’explorer le potentiel de la Roumanie dans la sphère numérique européenne.

Nu a fost votat $ 3.11 Selectează opțiunile Acest produs are mai multe variații. Opțiunile pot fi alese în pagina produsului.